Raymond R. Rendon & Associates, Inc.
Specialists in the fitting and fabrication of Artificial Eyes & Scleral Shells for disfigured eyes
 Services Offered.
Scleral Shell Prosthesis.
Pediatric Services.
Before & After Pictures.
Care of the Eye.
Locations - Contact Info.
About Us.

Before & After


These examples are a combination of Scleral Shell and full thickness Artificial Eyes. When we fabricate an artificial eye we try to create the illusion of symmetry and balance. Remember that the best prosthetic fit and function is always accompanied by a structurally sound socket and lids and results will vary.
                     2120 Forest Avenue, Suite 2 San Jose, California  95128 USA  408-297-4850  EMAIL:  contact@rendoneye.com
                      OAKLAND                                       SAN  JOSE                                  SAN MATEO